Usage: Please use the following format to access the subscription:{your-edgetunnel-uuid} Supported URL parameters: - host The domain of your edgetunnel. - vless_path (optional) Path to specify custom path for your edgetunnel vless protocol (default is /?ed=2048 ). - trojan_path (optional) Path to specify custom path for your edgetunnel trojan protocol (default is /?ed=2048 ). - protocol (optional) Specify used default protocol types for no protocol parsed node (vless or trojan, default is vless). - addrtype (optional) Specify which address types to return (default is return all types): - (empty) : return all address types (ipv4, ipv6, and domain). - Combinations : You can combine values, e.g., 'ipv4,ipv6' to return both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. - cfport (optional) Specify if only return cloudflare standard ports (1 for yes, 0 for no, default is 0). - base64 (optional) Specify if the output should be base64 encoded (1 for yes, 0 for no, default is 1). - client (optional) Specifies an additional client subscription format that is supported (e.g. 'singbox' for sing-box client, default is v2ray). Example usage: 1. Basic subscription: 2. With parameters: 3. Support sing-box client: